If you are trying to acquire real power then you must understand apathy and empathy. If you don’t understand these then you are an easy target or worse, a destructive power broker. Apathy and empathy may seem easy to understand on the surface. But that is the illusion.
Every System of Civilization from governments to economies to healthcare are in many ways effected by these instincts. All people are manipulated by these instincts and you must understand the importance or forgo your effort to gain power and evolve.
National Section; This portion of this blog post is free to all subscribers, Bronze Subscribers.
Let’s take a look at America’s past. In the days long past if a person’s house burnt down all would come together to help and rebuild. In America today if someone suffers foreclosure does the community rally around them, or the auctioneer to see if they can get the lowest bid.
Where once there was empathy for our neighbors there is now far more apathy. Far too many people are out for themselves. They don’t take 5 seconds to think that maybe we need systems in place so the hole cycle stops.
Civilizations were created for the safety and benefit of the people. A Constitution was written to provide the people with a fundamental set of laws to act as the guide for which the Systems of Civilization, primarily government, would follow. Unfortunately the authors of that Constitution had no understanding of behavioral science. They only had their values which were sometimes built upon incomplete and sometimes false perceptions of reality. Science has taken many of us a long way from those days.
For example they had apathy toward their black slaves and toward native Americans. Clearly our perception of reality has changed for the better. But it still has a very long way to go. For quite some time there has been a kind of twisted apathy toward the poor people in America. Human beings are not valued for who they are or what they do but for the amount of resources they have accumulated. The poor are treated like second class or even third class citizens. They are routinely insulted by trailer park jokes and the like.
The poor are always those who suffer the most yet the news media, the rich fat politicians, and virtually everyone else forget to acknowledge their existence when discussing resource allocations. A sick stench of apathy hangs over all of America. And with this depression that stench will only grow more foul.
A civilization is measured by the status and treatment of its least fortunate. America has nothing to be proud of and much to be ashamed of. But this can easily change. It’s not to late for America to live up to its true potential.
The fundamental problem is with Americas fundamental laws, the outdated, trampled upon, and misinterpreted Constitution and Bill of Rights. A new iron clad constitution with a FULL bill of rights is needed. And within this new constitution should be a little something that goes like this,
All Systems of Civilization and all those who work within them must not promote or reward apathy within those systems or in the greater society. The Destructive Primal Behavior apathy must be replaced with the Cortex Value empathy and any and all other constructive and beneficial values that may ultimately serve all the people equally, without conflicting with any other solutions designated by the Causality Formula. All the Systems of Civilization must serve, promote and may reward any decisions or actions based on an empathetic approach. This empathy will extend to those most in need first and foremost. Those most in need will be the first to be lifted from their plight as an action of true empathy. Life in all forms is precious and shall be treated as such.
This will best serve a nation in many ways. It is the oppressed, the poor and those who feel victimized which suffer. Suffering turns to fear, hate, anger, criminal actions, etc. This nation causes its own crimes through its apathy for victims and criminals alike. It is time to stop punishing victims of broken education systems, a completely corrupt economic system, an almost completely corrupt government…
As a nation wanting to create a more perfect union we must abort the classes. We cannot do this until we replace apathy with empathy. The age of apathetic royalty must end.
It is time we take our values and make them enforceable laws in every System of Civilization that sustains this nation and its people.
© 2009 Power To Evolve All Rights Reserved
Global Section; This portion of this blog post requires a paid subscription, for Silver Subscribers only, who have paid $25 per year.
The first step to replace apathy with empathy is to build a nation that clearly shows the benefits of this process. Other nations will follow suit as this is only one of many solutions that will create the most stable, powerful and humanitarian nation ever created by humanity.
The second step is to provide free internet access to people globally. And with that connection provide a free education system that shows them the benefits of empathy over apathy when applied to all the Systems of Civilization. When the environment promotes and rewards empathy instead of systems that thrive on apathy the human race will advance, evolve, become what we want it to be.
The third step is to educate the global community on how to systemically implement their values. It is not enough to teach values we must show how to replace our Destructive Primal Behaviors with Cortex Values in each system of Civilization. If the people do not see this and improvements that it makes in their total living environment then they will not strive toward that necessary goal.
For example Free Market Capitalism is pushing its way through many third world countries. Millions of people, including children are being exploited in sweat shops for the economic royalty elite profits. If empathy replaced apathy in supreme constitutional laws that could not be changed by the power brokers Free Market Capitalism would not be legally permitted to exist. It is bringing down the standard of living and quality of life of the entire human labor force in all countries, including the US.
A System of Civilization that brings suffering is counterproductive to all people of all nations and must be eliminated. A new economy that abides by the practice of empathy must be put in its place. TES is a new economic system that has no apathetic functions, only empathetic.
Humanity is not separated by distance. What happens in Iraq and every where else has profound consequences here. When a nation abides by an empathetic approach it serves humanity and in doing so does not suffer blow back. Blow back is a condition where in a nation damages the people of another nation and the result is they reciprocate. The US suffers a great deal of blow back because of its primal apathetic approach to foreign affairs.
The new administration under President Obama seems to see the logic in this argument. We will see if it effectively practices the empathy technique.
© 2009 Power To Evolve All Rights Reserved
Personal Section; This portion of this blog post requires a paid subscription, for Gold Subscribers only, who have paid $50 per year.
Do you care about every living thing on this planet? Do you feel the pain of the suffering or only see and understand it? Many people shut themselves off from empathizing because they fear the pain that comes from it. They think it would overwhelm them to have their problems plus shoulder the weight of the world’s pain and suffering. This is simply practicing apathy.
The world is the way it is because far too many people fear empathy pain. Those who fear anything are slaves to it. On a subconscious level they know it is their fear that leads to their apathy, and their apathy which contributes to the suffering and death of life on this planet. A person is guilty of a crime if they pull the trigger or through inaction allow the trigger to be pulled. Subconsciously we all know this and virtually all suffer from this knowledge.
We all focus on one of three states in the fourth dimension. We focus on the past, the present or the future. When we focus on the past we tend to regret, especially as we get older and better understand our mistakes. When we focus on the future we tend to spend much of that time worrying. When you practice the process of feeling empathy on a national and global scale you do this in the present. It causes you pain in the present.
After you stop the process of feeling empathy the pain stops. You are still in the present. You do not look at the past to regret it or the future to worry about it. It has happened in the present and that time has now passed. The purpose of feeling empathy is to stay in touch with the human condition and the condition of all life on this planet. If you loose touch with this condition you tend to practice apathy.
By acknowledging the condition of life and in your own way working to improve that condition you are free of the fear and the pain from the subconscious. This freedom allows you to better achieve and remain in a state of happiness. It also increases health as it reduces your stress level.
Just remember that empathy is a fleeting moment in the present that will pass. It will do no damage to you but must be done to improve your total living environment and free your burdens and stress.
In Quantum Mechanics we know that at the most fundamental level all things are literally connected. All living things are connected physically to one another. The space between you and I is merely an illusion based on an inefficient sensory perception. I will explain this in far more depth later after I have rewired more of your brain. For now know that what you do or fail to do has a direct impact on your life on a quantum level, and an indirect impact on your life in the macro world.
So since we are all physically connected does it make since to you to ignore my sickness or pain. Would not that apathy of my condition cause harm to you?
© 2009 Power To Evolve All Rights Reserved
Power Section; This portion of this blog post requires a paid subscription, Platinum Subscribers only, who have paid $400 per year.
Power brokers wear apathy like a suit of armor. Most power brokers are psychopaths meaning that they are physically incapable of experiencing any real meaningful empathy for those they harm. But the rest most definitely hide behind their work and their toys as distractions to keep their conscience clear of the pain they inflict on others.
If they are a psychopath then no amount of putting the truth in their face will stop their march over people for profit. If they do not have that physical condition then they have a weakness which can be exploited. Show them exactly what they are doing to harm people at every step of their business process, from extracting resources to cheating retail customers. If that doesn’t wake them up it will wake up those who feed the beast, their suppliers, their consumers.
Apathy and Your Power
What I teach is intellectual enlightenment and not spiritual enlightenment. There is a big difference. To become intellectually enlightened one must continually examine the full spectrum of reality and explore it. One explores it by looking at it from as many perspectives as possible. If one does not practice empathy then one can not put themselves in another person’s shoes. They can not see from one of the most important perspectives.
In this case one can never reach intellectual enlightenment as they are blind to much of the spectrum. If one fails to reach intellectual enlightenment they remain very low on the power scale.
Your homework is to place yourself in the shoes of every person you interact with and see the world through their eyes. Feel their suffering, experience their pain. Be the observer. Observe yourself as you observe their condition from their perspective. When you observe yourself I mean you should be cognoscente of how these experiences make you feel.
Don’t let the feelings dwell. Remain in the present experiencing new things as the moments come. The point of this exercise is to practice empathy. It takes practice to become good. The purpose to becoming good in empathy from a power context is to become far better at reading people. It is also necessary to insure that you do not stray to the dark side and become a power broker.
If you do you will answer to me young Pad wan learner.
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