Article I. Replacing Capitalism With A Far More Advanced Terran Economic System (TES)
Section 1.01 Capitalism Promotes and Rewards the Hoarding Instinct
(a) Capitalism promotes and rewards the hoarding instinct. In economics, this means that some will live like royalty where a married couple will own 10 homes each with 80 acres of land supporting a bare minimum of a 25-bedroom mansion. The man king will dawn his tuxedo and shiny new limousine, while the wife queen upholsters herself in the latest designer frock accessorized with $50K of jewelry and topped off with her crown, which they now call a tiara. I suppose they think that sounds like they are not trying to pretend like they are royalty.
While at the same time, there are other people who are sometimes lucky enough to survive in abject poverty, too hungry, too sick, too poorly clothed, too undereducated to get a job and lift themselves out of poverty.
Modern capitalists who hoard do so as a result of instinctive genetic programming and cultural programming. By using their hoarding instinct they believe they reduce their fear of loss and their fear of not having enough to last the proverbial winter.
But in actuality that fear never goes away. By using their hoarding instinct they serve some of their other instincts, their survival instinct, social ranking instinct, and mate attraction instinct. The worst part about the hoarding instinct is that it becomes an addiction that must be fed and always escalates, they hoard ever more.
If it sounds like I am being hard on power brokers and the super wealthy it is because I am. You see hoarding is just one of many things they do to hurt and kill people. All the things they do add up to cause a living nightmare for millions of other people.
How does hoarding hurt the economy, the nation and most importantly the people? When the very wealthy hoard their money they are not circulating it back through the economy. The circulation of money is what determines the health of a capitalist economy. When there is no circulation there are fewer jobs created, fewer investments made expanding domestic businesses, less money being taxed, etc.
Fewer jobs harms the people who need jobs, and those who have jobs. Those who have jobs have fewer opportunities to change jobs so they must stay with the job they have. When they must stay the employer has leverage to lower wages, raises and benefits, life sustaining benefits. These are but a few examples of how hoarding harms and even kills people.
The alternative to capitalism is TES. TES is designed not to promote or reward an unhealthy or destructive level of hoarding. Stockpiling for rainy days is prudent and smart behavior so please don't confuse the two. TES is the economic system where there is no hoarding to the point of gross, delusional, fearful, megalomaniacal excess. Resources are shared in a way where there is no poverty. Resources can be divided in an equal manner where there are real opportunities to improve every person's life. This would start a chain reaction where far fewer people resort to crime and victimization of others to scratch and claw their way out of poverty. Poverty equals slavery which easily motivates people to perform antisocial behaviors. If you have ever been poor then you know this for certain.
Removing excessive, destructive hoarding has the very real added benefit of helping to eliminate power broker resources. Power brokers who have less resources have less opportunity to manipulate the Systems of Civilization and thereby damage lives.
TES is designed so the individual person never hoards or stockpiles. Instead the city stores all the resources for needs and desires in sufficient quantity to cover any type of rainy day scenario or calamity. If the city should run out of a resource then neighboring cities are responsible for covering deficits. If neighboring cities run out of one or more resources the federal government dips into its stockpiles. Redundancy, always safety in redundancy.
Equal resources for all first sounds like communism. But no communist state ever achieved equal resources and equal opportunities for all people. That was the sales pitch but I don't believe it ever became a reality. So technically this is not a communist economy model. Communist economies don't work because they are fundamentally flawed in many ways just as capitalism is fundamentally flawed in other ways.
TES only adopts specific economic processes for very specific problems like for example hoarding. To remove hoarding this one small variable, equal resources for all, must be the solution. You will see that it is the only solution that works for hoarding and the only solution that cooperates flawlessly with all the other solutions proposed within TES.
A solution must solve a specific problem or set of problems, but it must also work with all the other solutions. It must also work without conflicting with any other System of Civilization or causing any victimization. This is the case for all the following economic solutions proposed, without exception. So forget about the RED SCARE conditioning from the cold war and all the other labels.
We will use the solutions that cause no problems down stream regardless of who used them last or where they originated. There are economic solutions incorporated into TES from every nation, culture, religion, and some brand new techniques. Don't be scared, the red menace will not come back to haunt us from the grave.. Even though strangely enough capitalist investors very quickly jumped into bed with the Chinese communists, didn't they. The US owes the communists how much money now in national debt? If you read and learn what is proposed the fear will disappear.
Since Bush took office the wealthiest American's income has doubled per year while the rest of the people have seen a $2,000 per year decline in income. That is a very low ball figure. With all the job losses, high grocery bills, high gas prices and all other inflation that $2K seems to be far too low to be a legitimate figure.
Capitalism promotes and rewards hoarding of wealth and other resources. If we are serious about having a far more advanced economy which will lead to far fewer problems then we must convert to TES. Be sure to read more about TES in other posts to see how it is much more advanced than the antique capitalism.
(b) On a separate note, if you are serious about attaining power then remember to definitely avoid hoarding. Do not let it turn into an addiction. When you hoard you lose your power to fear.
When you become addicted to hoarding you are not in control. You are being controlled. You are a slave to your addiction. Those who hoard or are addicted to hoarding have a weakness which is easily exploited by the enemy, power brokers. Remember it is okay to save to a safe and reasonable amount. But beyond that rational point it becomes something you don't want and something that damages your total living environment.
(c) An intellectually enlightened person, a more evolved person, would not hoard as they know that this specific action causes the suffering and death of others. This then seriously damages the total living environment bringing more antisocial behavior, more crime, more anger, etc. If you choose to be evolved you must live within an environment, a civilization that is evolved. The economy I am describing to you in these many posts is the most efficient, dominant and evolved on earth. Dominant to save humanity from the primals and their economies that have preyed upon the weak and innocent for long enough.
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