Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Formula For Power 2

The formula for power is something you must know, not just to survive, but to live your life the way you choose. This is the second in a series of posts explaining how a new formula can give any human a tremendous amount of power. In this world of human predator verses human prey this information is absolutely vital.

If you want to :

  • become a powerful individual
  • create a powerful nation
  • understand the formula for power
  • control instincts
  • become intellectually enlightened
  • use power effectively
  • defend your power
  • use power to attack power brokers
  • know how not to be a victim
  • remove victimization
  • save the nation
  • save the world

then this is something you must read. I’ll show you how all these goals are interdependent.

What Is An Instinct?

An instinct is a genetically implanted code, implanted into the more primitive parts of the human brain to insure that humans survive, thrive, and adapt. Through millions of years of trial and error these instructions have evolved. These simple instructions force us to behave in specific ways under specific situations.

For example if a human thinks s/he is in a life threatening situation their instincts attempt to block out many of the higher brain functions and give them only two choices to focus on, fight or flight. When humans experience fear many parts of the higher brain functions are suppressed. The capacity to reason is to some degree suspended temporarily. But I will show you how to avoid that problem quite easily.

The brain is a tool. When that tool is impaired your functions are impaired.

Instincts Evolved Within Nature

Human instincts evolved within the natural world, not within what we would call modern human civilizations. However instincts are always being rewritten. Those who survive and thrive will have their instincts progress to the next generation. Others will not carry on and over time their less adaptive instincts will eventually disappear within the human genome.

Because most instincts evolved within the Systems of Nature means that these instructions fail to work well within the Systems of Civilization. Only those instructions proven most effective within the Systems of Civilization will thrive in future generations thousands of years from now.

But what about today?

The human brain has the capacity to choose to use instincts or higher brain functions. But this must be taught or learned slowly throughout a lifetime of experience.

If a person is not taught how to make a conscious choice at the time when an instinct kicks in then they are a Primal. They are little more than human cattle easily susceptible to the whims of those who know how to use their instincts against them.

There is an evolution taking place within the human species right now. The primals are those who cannot or will not substitute Destructive Primal Behaviors with Cortex Values, the lizard brain verses the higher brain. The intellectually enlightened are those who encounter situations where Destructive Primal Behaviors are triggered but instead use Cortex Values to solve the problem at hand.

Intelligence is determined by ones ability to problem solve. Enlightened means that the individual has reached the higher levels of intelligence, in this context. Anyone can become intellectually enlightened. The same Causality Formula used to solve problems, to enhance nations, to reconfigure all the Systems of Civilization and Nature as it relates to human intervention, can also be used to make someone far more intellectually enlightened. And with this and other information I will provide comes tremendous power.

Humans now for the first time in the history of this world have the ability to choose how they will evolve. Will humans and their civilizations continue to promote and reward Destructive Primal Behaviors or will they regulate and enforce the replacement of all Destructive Primal Behaviors within our Systems of Civilization with more civil and civilized Cortex Values?

It is not necessary to remove all instincts or all Primal Behaviors from the individual citizen. It is only necessary to remove power brokers, the worst kind of Destructive Primal Behavior. It is necessary to replace every Destructive Primal Behavior with Cortex Values in each of the Systems of Civilization, especially government and public servants. The citizen can then explore and enjoy their primal behaviors without being forced to live in an environment ruled and obsessed by them, an environment that rewards destructive behavior..

Within the Causality Formula most instincts are referred to as Destructive Primal Behaviors. They are destructive within the Systems of Civilization or when visiting the natural environment. They are not considered destructive if one uses these behaviors as a permanent inhabitant of the natural world. Just to make that clear.

Most Instincts Are Destructive Within Modern Civilizations

Most instincts are destructive within modern civilizations when the Systems of Civilization promotes them or rewards them. They are also destructive when power brokers are motivated by them, apposed to more enlightened principles/values.

Basically there are times when citizens should use them instead of Cortex Values. There are times when public servants should use them apposed to Cortex Values. However there is no time when power brokers should use Destructive Primal Behaviors. In fact power brokers are the effect, the result of Destructive Primal Behaviors. They should no longer be allowed to exist.

I am not advocating extermination of power brokers, but instead education, laws and regulation. Extermination might be considered as a last resort. Let's face it, it really truly is them or you, period. History books are filled with examples of how power brokers abuse their power to satisfy their primitive addictions. They most often do it while spilling the blood of those they have conquered or wish to conquer.

Power brokers are the ultimate Primal, the most primitive of the human species. They are the ultimate predators, scavengers and parasites. They kill humans for sport and not just to feed. Taking resources from those they consider weaker evolves into a game. And they do find many ways of justifying the kill.

An intellectually enlightened person can have power many times greater than that of a Primal power broker. This is one of the things I teach, among many.

If no Destructive Primal Behaviors were permitted within a civilization in specific situations then no power brokers would be created or allowed to continue as power brokers. This would eliminate literally thousands of problems within a civilization over night. It is power brokers who manipulate the government and the other Systems of Civilization in order to maintain their addictions to instincts and other Primal Behaviors. Remember this.

It should rarely ever be you attacking power brokers or you defending yourself against power brokers. The key is to be within a pack or network of powerful intellectually enlightened people. A stray can be a relatively easy kill. Stay with the pack and the pack will have your back.

What if I don't want to be involved in this conflict between Primal and Enlightened? I hate to be the one to break this to you sweetheart, poor naive creature, but dude you are square in the middle of it whether you like it or not. The question is how soon you will be chalked up in the book of statistics as just another expendable casualty, or collateral damage. Don't be another statistic. We can use you.

The conflict will take many forms. Power brokers want ignorant serfs, poor people to manipulate. They want slaves to build their pyramids, their monuments to their own greatness. We must educate. They want to manipulate the people's instincts. We must show the people how to become advanced enough not to be manipulated by any Destructive Primal Behavior including instincts. This is about force multiplication, gathering strength and power in numbers. This is about evolving the human race beyond the sick predatory cannibalistic animal it has become.

Read my next post on this specific subject where I continue the discussion on The Formula For Power 3.

Visit the most important web site on the Internet.

To survive, adapt, and thrive you need to access the full potential of your mind, optimize your IQ, have the ability to solve any problem, have power far greater than the most powerful people currently inhabiting this earth. If you want access to the secrets of the most powerful humans, if you want to understand the most powerful formula on earth then you want, you need the Power To Evolve. Read this blog or guarantee your own premature demise.

© 2009 Power To Evolve All Rights Reserved

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