Saturday, February 14, 2009

Government And Its Purpose

Government Impacts All Of Your Life

  1. Virtually every aspect of your life is directly and indirectly impacted by the actions and inactions of your government. How much money you make, how much money you keep after taxes, standard of living, quality of life, life expectancy, freedom, equality, job security, crime, health and the list goes on through several hundred more issues. All these are affects from government actions and inactions.

Government Sabotaged By Power Brokers

  1. Throughout the history of civilizations governments have been infiltrated and manipulated by power brokers. Over the centuries some civilizations have replaced Primal Behaviors with Cortex Values. For example the US used slaves and over time those descendants of slaves have seen increasingly more equality. Civilizations do evolve and the governments enforce those evolutionary improvements.

However the most important issue in need of evolution has not evolved. Power brokers continue… (MORE)

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